On Saturday August 13th, Kimberly's Creativity will be attending the local GeekOut festival in Asheville, NC to sell my prints. I'll be set up on a table next to Stickman (Brandon Harris) who will be selling his comic book creation, Lizard, The Reptile from the Sea, demoing his work in progress video game with the same character. We will both be demoing live art on our Wacom tablets. Come and check us out!
Just finished my fern picture I've been working on for way too long. Ordered prints to be ready on Wednesday, and planning to take a bunch down to the GeekOut festival in Asheville this weekend and sell a few and demo art on the tablet.
Painted in Photoshop with a bamboo tablet as well as a Wacom Cintiq. Lots of experimenting with texture brushes here, all the basic default PS brushes though, nothing fancy. I think my favourite part of this entire piece is the grape vine in the top left corner. It's a very nice vine.
Now available for purchase! The first issue of the comic Lizard, The Reptile from the Sea by Brandon Harris. Standard cover art (top right) by Brandon, and the Variant cover art (top left) by me! We've got a couple issues in all the local comic book stores, as well as a stash at home. We're going to be at the Geek Out festival in Asheville next weekend selling copies and demonstrating our artwork on the computer. Come out and check things out!
The plot, line art and coloring was done all by hand using Photoshop and a tablet by Brandon Harris. This story is a prelude to a future animated desktop game featuring the same character. I'm looking forward to seeing where this comic series goes and how the game turns out!
Just finished setting up my new shop online. Fine Art America is known for quality prints and their variety of papers, mats and frames leave little to be desired. Click the picture below to browse my products. More to come!
I just finished a remake of my bee painting from my final show at UNCA. Worked on the composition, brought it in a little tighter and worked on rendering out the details a little more.
I'm very excited to start a fresh page and begin posting projects! I've my Etsy shop up and running as well as a Facebook Page. Come join me in my digital adventures and see what kind of trouble the little red headed protagonist can get into!