Artist Statement
I explore how humans create relationships with animals and resources in the environment through a set of digitally painted narrative images. Nature is a complex machine that works nonstop around us and is often glanced over, ignored or forgotten. Humans are an influential cog in this and the extent of negative impact isn’t fully realized at times. Environmental issues, such as chemical dumping, littering, and the introduction of invasive species, plague today’s world and many indigenous species are facing the danger of premature extinction. The earth has gone through adaptation and adjustment for many years, but the scale at which humans are creating change has nature scrambling to keep up. If a human were suddenly on the same size scale as an insect the outlook on nature would change drastically. Small problems would then be greater than before and impossible to ignore forcing an individual to think differently about their plan of action. Thus the viewer will follow a small red-headed protagonist through her every day interactions with the environment at large. She takes challenges that many creatures face every day in part by human disregard, and attempts to help out creatures in danger along the way.
I’ve lived my whole life on my grandfather’s small farm tucked away in the mountains of North Carolina. Surrounded by the wild nature of the Blue Ridge Mountains I was never at a loss for inspiration and adventure. Science and art have always been my favorite studies, so when I received a second-hand computer tablet it sparked a connection between the two. I took up traditional art classes all through my schooling career, but learned the digital medium through my own research and practice. My last couple semesters in college sparked the concept for the tiny protagonist I now focus on in my environmental gallery.
Contact Me
You can find more information about me at, send an email to me at or fill out the form below.